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Writer's pictureWindrush

This is the Year

This is the year! It’s the year I cultivate and trust who God says I am, and pray for opportunities to come to me rather than force ideas to happen. This is the year I honor how precious I am and learn to say yes to what feels right and no to everything that’s not a full-bodied yes. The year I learn to release the need to know where every decision will take me and make it my job to simply listen to the Lord and make the next right step. The year I unleash my gifts by following what lights me up and the year I tap into my boundless creativity and energy. The year I remember how powerful and capable I am.

Father Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation theme this year is: “Nothing Stands Alone”. This resonates so much with what I’m feeling and understanding about who I am. He says, “It’s only when we find ourselves in God, and live and see through God’s eyes that ‘everything belongs’.” I so believe that God loves me and wants me to be in relationship with Him and see through His eyes everyone in my life.

Paul writes in II Corinthians 3:18: “We with unveiled faces will gradually reflect like mirrors the brightness of the Lord. All will grow brighter and brighter as we are gradually turned into the image we reflect.” Isn’t this it! We are being transformed into the likeness of Christ. We don’t have to be perfect. We need to be in relationship; holding onto God as tightly as He holds onto us! The God who knows all and receives all has no trouble forgiving all. Rohr writes: “It’s not a matter of being correct, but of being connected.” Above all else I want to stay connected to those around me! No judgement about what is going on, just love.

How do we let go of our ego’s need to be correct? How do we stay connected when we don’t agree with what someone says and believes?

Christ has given us the ministry of reconciliation. Paul writes in II Corinthians 5:18: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” When I realize that I cannot live my life alone and I look for shared meaning in my relationships, I feel God’s connection and love. I don’t have to know all the answers or be correct. I can forgive myself, my family, my friends, and the people God has put in my life. I can seek healing and justice and be a peacemaker. I can be me; living in relationship with God and the people He’s put in my life.


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